


(English below)

サウンド&レコーディング・マガジン5月号と6月号で、8年ぶりの新作『async』について語ってくれた坂本龍一。その音響をサラウンドで体験してもらうための展覧会= 「坂本龍一|設置音楽展」が、5月28日まで東京・青山のワタリウム美術館で開催されています。この展示は会期終了後も、日本はもとより世界中のさまざまな会場で行われる予定で、既に今年の12月から来年の3月にかけて、東京・初台のNTT インターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC]で開催されることが決定しています。今回、坂本龍一とサウンド&レコーディング・マガジンでは、来たるべき展示において、『async』とともに聴かれるべきマルチチャンネル作品を募集することにしました。

お題は “「async II」を作れ” です。








応募宛先:〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町1-105 神保町三井ビルディング
株式会社リットーミュージック サウンド&レコーディング・マガジン編集部


Call for Entries — Multichannel Music to be Heard with async

Sound & Recording Magazine (Japanese Edition) is looking for the sequel to async!

The May and June issues of Sound & Recording Magazine (Japanese Edition) published extensive interviews with Ryuichi Sakamoto in which he discussed his new album, async, in great detail. Accompanying the Japan release of async, the Watari Museum of Contemporary Art began exhibiting Ryuichi Sakamoto | async - sound installation in collaboration with visual artists Shiro Takatani, Zakkubalan, and Apichatpong Weerasethakul. The organizers are planning a touring exhibition, the first of which is planned to be exhibited at NTT InterCommunication Center in Tokyo in December 2017. Sound & Recording Magazine (Japanese Edition) has put out a call for entries for async II, to accompany Sakamoto’s 5.1ch installation of async. We look forward to hearing the submissions!

Eligibility: Anyone can apply.

Submission Guidelines: Please submit an original, unreleased composition of up to 5 minutes in length. You must retain all rights to all of the audio materials used in the composition.

Submission Format: Please send us a DVD-R that includes 6 Mono WAV files with filenames according to the corresponding channel in the 5.1ch mix (e.g. async_L.wav, async_R.wav, async_C.wav, async_LFE.wav, async_SL.wav, async_SR.wav). Though the quantization bitrate and sampling rate do not matter, we may convert the files according to the playback environment.

How to Submit: Please send a DVD-R containing the files to the address below. If the disc is unplayable due to damage during transit, the submission will unfortunately be disqualified, so please package submissions with care. Please label the title of the piece, name of submitter, and e-mail address on the disc itself.

Please send package to the following:

Attn: Ryuichi Sakamoto | async - Sound Installation Competition


Sound & Recording Magazine at Ritto Music, Inc.
1-105, Jinbocho Matsui Bldg.
Jinbocho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-0051 JAPAN

**Submissions are only accepted via mail and will not be returned.

Key Dates:  The DVD-R must arrive by June 30th, 2017. Winners will be announced in December, 2017.